Tuesday, September 30, 2008
A few more pics
Next batch of pics
Yeah, new post
Alright, it has been a while again, but no worries because I will soon be the proud owner of a very cool laptop. Thanks to the efforts and collaboration of my Uncle Neal, My dear mother, and father, and let us not forget Dell, I will be connected to the world!
Well, I think I said that I returned from my adventure in Ireland and have been at school here in Montpellier again. The weather has been mild with cool nights and warm days. Fall is on its way as the leaves begin to turn and the wind picks up a bit. Class has been going pretty well, between struggling to understand what my professors are saying to me and reading french literature, I think I am hanging in there. I went climbing this last Friday with my friend Xavi (from Spain). We climbed until our fingers bled (it was the summer of 69...for those of you who caught that (dad) I applaud you). The facility is new and we met a french guy who taught us the command "sec" which means "take up the slack". Saturday I discovered a mountain biking area near my host parents house with a cool overlook. Sunday I found another dirt area with jumps. I got banged up a bit, but nothin' serious. After a few hours of that I went back home for a big lunch with the host family and their daugther and her kids. Crazy. I left to ride my bike to the beach which is were some of the pictures I will post are from. On my way back I got a flat tire and unfortunately didn't take any pics of me stuffing it full of grass and leaves to take me to a gas station. Adventure! Well, let't let the pics talk for me.
Not long until the computer is here!!!!!!!! Talk to you all again. Oh, and je pense que j'apprends francais petit a petit. Au revoir! À bientôt!
The first batch of pics here are from a week or two ago. There are flemingos!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Sweet places in Ireland
More and more and more....
Everyone loves the pictures!!!
More pics
And of course, the sweetest Jesus statues you'll ever see. A gold statue up on the cathedral, and this one in front of the cathedral.
Some pictures from before
The next pic is of a castle on a hill on the way to Carcassonne. There is a Vineyard in the forground, and behind me was a sweet river made up of locks that allowed boats to climb uphill.
The third pic is me in front of some of the inner outer walls of Carcassonne. Some grapes from our trip to Avignon are in picture four, and a door knocker that I really liked that we found while walking around the outside of le Palais des Papes. More to come...
Friday, September 12, 2008
London (stansted) Airport waiting for our Flight
Okay, if you are ever in the london airport and looking to use the internet, make sure it is the kind that takes coins, and you can use a two Euro coin and it will think it is actually two pounds!!! I got twenty minute for the price of ten and I am wasting it telling you this. Anyway, the airport is quiet, but surprisingly full for around 1:30am here. My flight home to Montpellier leaves at 6am so we are just hanging out (my friend Dan and I). Our adventure ended yesterday, the unplanned one, and we trained back and met an Australian named Damian who was staying in our hostel room with us. We all went out to the pub for a couple of really good Beers from the Porterhouse Brewery, and some live music. The guy singing was American doing a ton of American Covers. If you want to hear interesting non-american music, don't come to Europe cause they pretty much only know american music. You have to make an effort to get to the small parts of town for the traditional stuff like the irish folk band we listed to in Doolin the other day.
Today was another great day, although a bit on the short side. We met another American named Matt who lives in Oregon. He used to do moto-cross, but broke his back at work and doesn't do it much anymore. He is a small role actor and is traveling right now with some money he got from breaking his back. We went to the Guinness factory with him today and the Jameson Distillary then tried to see Dublin Castle, but it closed. We parted ways and Dan and I headed to the Airport via the bus, flew to london from Dublin and here we sit. I have a ton of photos to post, so check 'em out.
I think I am going to be a world traveler as my career. Work for a while, travel, work, travel. It is not very hard, and incredibly awesome.
Oh, and can everyone send me your email and home address? I realized that I have nobody's addresses written down. Just send them in email and I will write to you as soon as I can. I love you all, thanks for keeping up with me!
Today was another great day, although a bit on the short side. We met another American named Matt who lives in Oregon. He used to do moto-cross, but broke his back at work and doesn't do it much anymore. He is a small role actor and is traveling right now with some money he got from breaking his back. We went to the Guinness factory with him today and the Jameson Distillary then tried to see Dublin Castle, but it closed. We parted ways and Dan and I headed to the Airport via the bus, flew to london from Dublin and here we sit. I have a ton of photos to post, so check 'em out.
I think I am going to be a world traveler as my career. Work for a while, travel, work, travel. It is not very hard, and incredibly awesome.
Oh, and can everyone send me your email and home address? I realized that I have nobody's addresses written down. Just send them in email and I will write to you as soon as I can. I love you all, thanks for keeping up with me!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Missed the bus back in Ireland
So yesterday we took a day trip to the cliffs of Mohre on the west coast of Ireland. They were beautiful (I'll send pictures). We intended to get the bus back to the train station, but I made us miss it because the sun came out after a day of rain and I had to try to get some pics of the cliffs. So we waited and waited and a guy helped us out and informed us of another bus, but that bus didn't return to the train station that night. We stayed at a hostel and met some world travelers who work for a few months and then go around the world for the rest of the year. Johnathan was the guy, he hitch-hiked across the U.S. from New York to Nevada. I will write more later, because our internet is not free and I must sign off. Talk to you all soon!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Sorry I haven't been Blogging
It has been a while since I last added to my blog. I have been very busy with class, and travel. Right now I am in Dublin Ireland at a hostel called Globetrotters writing on their computer. The weather is a bit rainy and cloudy, the streets are clean and the alleys are dirty. The accent is so thick that you cant understand half of what they're saying and the only reason you can understand that much is because you already know what they are going to say. I will work on sending pictures to fill you in since last I blogged.
I called my mom and dad last night and paid about 5 euros (about $7.50) for around 30 seconds of talking with them, so I need a phone card. I have a lot to say, but I am leaving for the cliffs of Mohre today and need to run. Thanks for reading, I'll add tonight if I can!!!!
I called my mom and dad last night and paid about 5 euros (about $7.50) for around 30 seconds of talking with them, so I need a phone card. I have a lot to say, but I am leaving for the cliffs of Mohre today and need to run. Thanks for reading, I'll add tonight if I can!!!!
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