Alright, it has been a while again, but no worries because I will soon be the proud owner of a very cool laptop. Thanks to the efforts and collaboration of my Uncle Neal, My dear mother, and father, and let us not forget Dell, I will be connected to the world!
Well, I think I said that I returned from my adventure in Ireland and have been at school here in Montpellier again. The weather has been mild with cool nights and warm days. Fall is on its way as the leaves begin to turn and the wind picks up a bit. Class has been going pretty well, between struggling to understand what my professors are saying to me and reading french literature, I think I am hanging in there. I went climbing this last Friday with my friend Xavi (from Spain). We climbed until our fingers bled (it was the summer of 69...for those of you who caught that (dad) I applaud you). The facility is new and we met a french guy who taught us the command "sec" which means "take up the slack". Saturday I discovered a mountain biking area near my host parents house with a cool overlook. Sunday I found another dirt area with jumps. I got banged up a bit, but nothin' serious. After a few hours of that I went back home for a big lunch with the host family and their daugther and her kids. Crazy. I left to ride my bike to the beach which is were some of the pictures I will post are from. On my way back I got a flat tire and unfortunately didn't take any pics of me stuffing it full of grass and leaves to take me to a gas station. Adventure! Well, let't let the pics talk for me.
Not long until the computer is here!!!!!!!! Talk to you all again. Oh, and je pense que j'apprends francais petit a petit. Au revoir! À bientôt!
The first batch of pics here are from a week or two ago. There are flemingos!
Ah the horsies! You didn't go to Sainte Marie de la Mer did you!? Remember, that's my absolute favorite place in France (or one of the many I guess...). Looks amazing!
I laughed out loud at your tire repair!
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