Thursday, October 2, 2008

French stuff

I am in france, ready to head off to yet another wonderful french meal with my host suis en france, en train de preparer pour un autre dinner magnifique et francaise avec ma famille d'accueil... can't wait...if you are french correct my grammar! If not, marvel at my excellent french!


Lauren Silverstein said...

Bon appetit!

We miss you around these parts, Shua, but I'm so glad to see that you're enjoying your time abroad.

Be glad for the distance between you and the Frontier staff. The head of facilities (Connie) saw the arms on the info desk chairs and made Christina remove them because they looked so bad having been picked at and taped over. You and Luke... tsk tsk. ;)

Keep the updates coming! I love seeing what you're up to.

KoosMan said...

That is Luke's and my way of leaving our legacy one arm at a time! Glad you like the pictures, I will keep them coming.