This is a furry friend that was having an easier time at climbing this mountain. He looked really thirsty, so when I found this old water bottle filled with water too dirty for the people, he was more than happy to drink it all up.

This is Yang and another little friend. He, his mom and the dog were climbing up and Yang was helping out.

Yang at the top. Yes, that is a cliff to his left...our right.

This was the Chappel at the top of Pic St. Loup, at the very top. Who climbed this thing and built this stone chappel? I am pretty sure it said, but at that point I was too thirsty to do anything.

Here you go, an amazing view from the top. Occationally there were glider planes wizzing by, and this couple was enjoying the sun and the fresh air after a long hike. I wanted to sit there...stupid couple...
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