The Grand Arch Went to the top of this. It is enormous. there was fog so we didnt' see very far, but it was really cool to go up on top. No wind and it was completely silent up there. That was kinda wierd.

This was by the grand arch. Le Pouce (thumb). Huge and thumby, and made of Bronze. That could have been a lot of instruments for underprivaleged children...but look at that thumb!!! Just kidding. I think it was a gift given in memory of France's extraordinary victory in the thumb wars of 1795. Margot Clinet, France's leading "Pouceur" (thumber) beat Germany in a crushing defeat. The king at the time however, Louis XIII, had bet against France and was humilated by the victory. He had Clinet sentenced to death by Guillatine. But shortly before the execution Louis XIII had one of Clinet's thumbs removed and given to the German King Shrelorgre IV as a sign of no hard feelings. 100 years later in the spring of 1895 Germany had this giant thumb sculpted of bronze and given to the French. Having nowhere to put it at the time it was stored in a shipyard on the Atlantic see until 1937 when Francois Renault deciced to have it transported to Paris and put on display for all the city goers to see and remember the history of the Thumbwars and the misustice that had been done to Margot Clinet.

Feris wheel at the Place de Concord at the end of a garden attatched to the Louvre and the beginning of the Champs Elysees.

Notre Dame and a (Sapin) christmas tree

Contact juggler...that was a sphere of glass!!! Very cool Outside the Pompidou Center. The big inside out museum
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